When we hear news we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation.
Voltaire (1694 - 1778)


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An estimated 850,000 - 950,000 persons in the USA are living with HIV virus... more>>>
Canada Updated: May 01, 2005 03:32 PM
Government of Canada gives $30 million to His Highness Aga Khan to promote pluralism in Canada and abroad
His Highness the Aga Khan today welcomed the announcement by the Government of Canada of its intellectual, institutional and financial contribution to become a partner in the new Global Centre for Pluralism in cooperation with the Aga Khan Development Network...more>>>
Muslim woman threatened for leading the first mixed-gender prayer service in Canada
Yes indeed, the fatwas are flying (I already have one from a Saudi network based in the United States, thank you!), says Raheel Raza. The Toronto Muslim community, even those who profess to be liberal, are doing what has become the norm — condemning without considering, labelling without listening and judging without justice. Since the Talibanization of Pakistan, I'm well aware of stoning first and debating later...more>>>
Two teachers at an Islamic school in Ottawa suspended for inciting hatred against Jews
The eight-page story, written in Arabic, was about avenging last year's death of one of the founders of the Hamas militant movement. It included a cover page illustrated with a burning Star of David, a machine gun and a Palestinian flag flying from the top of the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine in Jerusalem....more>>>
Universities and Colleges face major income decline
February 20, 2005, TORONTO - In ten years declining birth rates in Canada and the US will bring severe financial pressures to post-secondary educational institutions, according to David Foot, author of the bestselling Boom, Bust & Echo...more>>>


Short Report: Arab Christians and the state of Christian-Muslim dialogue in the Middle East...more>>>
The Post Oil Age, a look at what life will be like in the "bike Lane" when the cheap gas runs out...more>>>

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